
Monday, 21 September 2020 00:00

Caring for Ankle Sprains

A sprained ankle is a common injury. It can occur quite easily just from a quick sideways movement or a twist of the ankle during sports or everyday activities. Sprained ankles vary in their severity, and medical intervention is usually necessary. In addition to following the doctor’s orders, you can help your ankle heal at home by following the R.I.C.E. acronym. Rest your ankle by avoiding activities that cause pain and discomfort. Ice your ankle for about 20 minutes at a time during the first two days after your injury. Compress your ankle by wrapping it with an elastic bandage or brace to help stop swelling. Elevate your ankle above the heart as often as possible to reduce swelling. If you have sprained your ankle, it is recommended that you are under the care of a podiatrist.

Although ankle sprains are common, they aren’t always minor injuries. If you need your ankle injury looked at, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM from Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

How Does an Ankle Sprain Occur?

Ankle sprains are the result of a tear in the ligaments within the ankle. These injuries may happen when you make a rapid shifting movement while your foot is planted. A less common way to sprain your ankle is when your ankle rolls inward while your foot turns outward.

What Are the Symptoms?

  • Pain at the sight of the tear
  • Bruising/Swelling
  • Ankle area is tender to touch
  • In severe cases, may hear/feel something tear
  • Skin discoloration

Preventing a Sprain

  • Wearing appropriate shoes for the occasion
  • Stretching before exercises and sports
  • Knowing your limits

Treatment of a Sprain

In many cases, the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevate) is used to treat ankle sprains. However, you should see a podiatrist to see which treatment option would work best with your injury. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

It is important to ask your doctor about rehab options after you receive treatment for your injury. Stretching, strength training, and balance exercises may help the ankle heal while also preventing further injury.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Ankle Sprains
Monday, 21 September 2020 00:00

Are Bunions Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don't let bunions interfere with your daily activities.

Monday, 14 September 2020 00:00

There Are Two Types of Corns

A small area of thickened skin on the bottom of the foot may indicate a hard corn. It generally develops as a result of excess friction that can come from wearing shoes and socks that do not fit correctly. A corn can form between the toes, and this is referred to as a soft corn. It can be quite painful, and it may feel better to wear a corn pad over the affected area. This can help the corn to gradually reduce in size, and mild relief may be felt when larger size shoes are worn, as they can diminish excess friction. For corns that are severe, salicylic acid may be applied to the affected area, and the corn will eventually be removed. Corns can be quite bothersome, and if you are afflicted with hard or soft corns, it is recommended that you consult with a podiatrist.

Corns can make walking very painful and should be treated immediately. If you have questions regarding your feet and ankles, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM of Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Corns: What Are They? And How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Corns are thickened areas on the skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure and friction on the skin. Corns press into the deeper layers of the skin and are usually round in shape.

Ways to Prevent Corns
There are many ways to get rid of painful corns such as:

  • Wearing properly fitting shoes that have been measured by a professional
  • Wearing shoes that are not sharply pointed or have high heels
  • Wearing only shoes that offer support

Treating Corns

Although most corns slowly disappear when the friction or pressure stops, this isn’t always the case. Consult with your podiatrist to determine the best treatment option for your case of corns.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Everything You Need to Know About Corns
Tuesday, 08 September 2020 00:00

Preventing Foot Blisters

Blisters are small pockets of raised skin filled with fluid. A blister on the foot can develop for a variety of reasons, however, the main culprit is friction. To prevent the development of blisters from friction, it is important to wear the proper shoes. Your footwear should be properly-fitted and supportive, providing your toes with enough room to move in and adequate cushioning while you walk or stand. Other causes of blisters can be excessive moisture, an allergic reaction to a substance, or an underlying medical condition. Prevent blisters caused by moisture by using a foot powder, antiperspirant, or moisture-wicking socks, especially if you are an athlete or prone to excessive sweating. If you have gotten a blister in the past due to an allergic reaction to specific powders, lotions, or soaps, avoid using these products. Seek prompt treatment for medical conditions that may cause blistering, such as viral infections or eczema. For more information on what you can do to prevent foot blisters, consult with a podiatrist today.

Blisters are prone to making everyday activities extremely uncomfortable. If your feet are hurting, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM of Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Foot Blisters

Foot blisters develop as a result of constantly wearing tight or ill-fitting footwear. This happens due to the constant rubbing from the shoe, which can often lead to pain.

What Are Foot Blisters?

A foot blister is a small fluid-filled pocket that forms on the upper-most layer of the skin. Blisters are filled with clear fluid and can lead to blood drainage or pus if the area becomes infected.

How Do Blisters Form?

Blisters on the feet are often the result of constant friction of skin and material, usually by shoe rubbing. Walking in sandals, boots, or shoes that don’t fit properly for long periods of time can result in a blister. Having consistent foot moisture and humidity can easily lead to blister formation.

Prevention & Treatment

It is important to properly care for the affected area in order to prevent infection and ease the pain. Do not lance the blister and use a Band-Aid to provide pain relief. Also, be sure to keep your feet dry and wear proper fitting shoes. If you see blood or pus in a blister, seek assistance from a podiatrist.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Blisters on the Feet
Monday, 07 September 2020 00:00

Are You Suffering From Ingrown Toenails?

If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to more serious concerns, such as an infection. Knowing proper nail care can help in the prevention of an ingrown toenail. Give us a call, and get treated!

Monday, 31 August 2020 00:00

Who Needs an Ankle Brachial Index Test?

Peripheral artery disease, also known as PAD, is a condition that results in poor circulation to the lower limbs. Typical symptoms of PAD include leg pain or muscle cramps when walking, numbness, weakness, or coldness in your legs. An ankle brachial index is a quick, noninvasive, and painless test used to screen for PAD. The measurements can highlight any potential problems, like blockages or partial blockages in blood flow to your extremities.To do this test, a doctor simply takes your blood pressure at your arms and at your ankles and compares the numbers to come up with a numerical ratio that represents your risk of having or developing PAD. While anyone can get the ankle brachial index test, people who have pre-existing risk factors for developing PAD are especially encouraged to undergo this screening. Risk factors include a history of smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. For more information about the ankle brachial index and other tests for PAD, speak with a podiatrist today.

Vascular testing plays an important part in diagnosing disease like peripheral artery disease. If you have symptoms of peripheral artery disease, or diabetes, consult with Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM from Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

What Is Vascular Testing?

Vascular testing checks for how well blood circulation is in the veins and arteries. This is most often done to determine and treat a patient for peripheral artery disease (PAD), stroke, and aneurysms. Podiatrists utilize vascular testing when a patient has symptoms of PAD or if they believe they might. If a patient has diabetes, a podiatrist may determine a vascular test to be prudent to check for poor blood circulation.

How Is it Conducted?

Most forms of vascular testing are non-invasive. Podiatrists will first conduct a visual inspection for any wounds, discoloration, and any abnormal signs prior to a vascular test.

 The most common tests include:

  • Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) examination
  • Doppler examination
  • Pedal pulses

These tests are safe, painless, and easy to do. Once finished, the podiatrist can then provide a diagnosis and the best course for treatment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Vascular Testing in Podiatry
Monday, 24 August 2020 00:00

How Can You Get Athlete’s Foot?

If you have a rash between your toes or find your feet to be itchy, scaly, stinging or burning, you may have contracted athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a contagious fungal infection of the skin on the feet. It doesn’t just affect athletes, anyone can develop this fungus. Your feet are exposed to the tinea fungus when they come in contact with a contaminated surface. Communal showers, locker rooms, public swimming pools, and gyms are often crawling with the fungus that causes athlete’s foot. If your feet are damp from water or sweat, they are extra susceptible to picking up this fungus. As athlete’s foot is highly contagious, sharing contaminated items, such as towels, shoes or socks, also puts you at risk. If you have athlete’s foot it is strongly recommended that you see a podiatrist who can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Athlete’s foot is an inconvenient condition that can be easily reduced with the proper treatment. If you have any concerns about your feet and ankles, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM from Limons Foot & Ankle Care.  Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Athlete’s Foot: The Sole Story

Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, can be an extremely contagious foot infection. It is commonly contracted in public changing areas and bathrooms, dormitory style living quarters, around locker rooms and public swimming pools, or anywhere your feet often come into contact with other people.

Solutions to Combat Athlete’s Foot

  • Hydrate your feet by using lotion
  • Exfoliate
  • Buff off nails
  • Use of anti-fungal products
  • Examine your feet and visit your doctor if any suspicious blisters or cuts develop

Athlete’s foot can cause many irritating symptoms such as dry and flaking skin, itching, and redness. Some more severe symptoms can include bleeding and cracked skin, intense itching and burning, and even pain when walking. In the worst cases, Athlete’s foot can cause blistering as well. Speak to your podiatrist for a better understanding of the different causes of Athlete’s foot, as well as help in determining which treatment options are best for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Athlete’s Foot
Monday, 24 August 2020 00:00

Do Your Child's Feet Hurt?

Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.

Monday, 17 August 2020 00:00

What Causes Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels involves the splitting and cracking of skin, also known as fissures, around the border of the heel. These cracked heels primarily occur when the skin becomes dried out, causing it to lose its strength and elasticity. This causes the skin to crack under pressure which can be very painful. Some factors that can lead to cracked heels include walking barefoot, wearing flip flops, standing for long hours on hard floors, dehydration, a decreased blood supply to the leg, and diabetes. If you are suffering from cracked heels, it is important to consult with a podiatrist for treatment. Treatment options may include a heel balm, a pumice stone, wearing close toed shoes, staying hydrated, and using a topical antiseptic in sever cases when there is bleeding.

If the skin on your feet starts to crack, you may want to see a podiatrist to find treatment. If you have any concerns, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM from Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Cracked Heels

It is important to moisturize your cracked heels in order to prevent pain, bleeding, and infection. The reason cracked heels form is because the skin on the foot is too dry to support the immense pressure placed on them. When the foot expands, the dry skin on the foot begins to split.

Ways to Help Heal Them

  • Invest in a good foot cream
  • Try Using Petroleum Jelly
  • Ease up on Soaps
  • Drink Plenty of Water

Ways to Prevent Cracked Heels

  • Moisturize After Showering
  • Skip a Shower
  • Keep Shower Water Lukewarm
  • Don’t Scrub Your Feet

If you are unsure how to proceed in treating cracked heels, seek guidance from a podiatrist. Your doctor will help you with any questions or information you may need. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Solutions for Cracked Heels
Monday, 10 August 2020 00:00

The Dangers of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Do you have diabetes? If so, you are not alone. An estimated 422 million people worldwide are afflicted with this condition. But did you know that diabetes can have serious implications for your foot health? Each year in the United States, between two and six million people develop a diabetic foot ulcer. Diabetic foot ulcers are open sores or wounds on the feet which do not heal properly and which can lead to serious complications, including infections and amputations. To make the situation even more dangerous, many diabetics also develop peripheral neuropathy, a condition that causes impaired sensation in the feet. This makes it harder to detect potentially serious cuts, scrapes, sores, and wounds on the feet. If you have diabetes and notice any sores or open wounds on your feet, it is strongly recommended that you visit a podiatrist for treatment.

Wound care is an important part in dealing with diabetes. If you have diabetes and a foot wound or would like more information about wound care for diabetics, consult with Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM from Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

What Is Wound Care?

Wound care is the practice of taking proper care of a wound. This can range from the smallest to the largest of wounds. While everyone can benefit from proper wound care, it is much more important for diabetics. Diabetics often suffer from poor blood circulation which causes wounds to heal much slower than they would in a non-diabetic. 

What Is the Importance of Wound Care?

While it may not seem apparent with small ulcers on the foot, for diabetics, any size ulcer can become infected. Diabetics often also suffer from neuropathy, or nerve loss. This means they might not even feel when they have an ulcer on their foot. If the wound becomes severely infected, amputation may be necessary. Therefore, it is of the upmost importance to properly care for any and all foot wounds.

How to Care for Wounds

The best way to care for foot wounds is to prevent them. For diabetics, this means daily inspections of the feet for any signs of abnormalities or ulcers. It is also recommended to see a podiatrist several times a year for a foot inspection. If you do have an ulcer, run the wound under water to clear dirt from the wound; then apply antibiotic ointment to the wound and cover with a bandage. Bandages should be changed daily and keeping pressure off the wound is smart. It is advised to see a podiatrist, who can keep an eye on it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Wound Care
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